Public Adjuster Chatham County: How They Can Help You with Your Insurance Claim

domingo, 16 de abril de 2023 |

As a property owner or business owner in Chatham County, Georgia, you understand how important it is to have proper insurance coverage to protect your assets. Unfortunately, accidents happen and property damage can occur due to natural disasters, fires, water damage, and other incidents. In these situations, it can be overwhelming to navigate the insurance claims process and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your damages. This is where a public adjuster comes in.

What is a Public Adjuster?

A public adjuster is a licensed professional who works on behalf of the policyholder to assess and evaluate property damage, prepare and file insurance claims, and negotiate with insurance companies to ensure that their clients receive a fair settlement. Unlike insurance adjusters who work for insurance companies, public adjusters work for the policyholder and have their best interests in mind.

Types of Property Damage Claims

Property damage can occur due to a variety of reasons, including natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and storms, as well as fires, water damage, and other incidents. Here are some common types of property damage claims that public adjusters can assist with:

Hurricane Damage

Hurricanes are a common occurrence in Chatham County, and they can cause significant damage to properties. Some of the damages caused by hurricanes include roof damage, structural damage, and water damage. Public adjusters can assess the damage caused by hurricanes and ensure that policyholders receive fair compensation for their losses.

Flood Damage

Flooding can cause extensive damage to properties and can be caused by natural disasters such as hurricanes or storms, as well as other incidents such as burst pipes or sewer backups. Public adjusters can help policyholders file insurance claims for flood damage and ensure that they receive the maximum compensation possible.

Storm Damage

Storms can cause a wide range of damages to properties, including roof damage, siding damage, and water damage. Public adjusters can assess the extent of the damage caused by storms and ensure that policyholders receive fair compensation for their losses.


Fires can cause significant damage to properties and can be caused by various reasons such as electrical issues, cooking accidents, or wildfires. Public adjusters can assist policyholders in filing insurance claims for fire damage and help them receive fair compensation for their losses.

Water Damage

Water damage can be caused by various reasons such as floods, burst pipes, or leaks. It can cause significant damage to properties, including structural damage, mold growth, and damage to personal property. Public adjusters can assist policyholders in filing insurance claims for water damage and help them receive fair compensation for their losses.

Other Incidents

Other incidents such as vandalism, theft, or hail damage can also cause property damage. Public adjusters can help policyholders file insurance claims for these types of damages and ensure that they receive fair compensation for their losses.

The Benefits of Hiring a Public Adjuster

Hiring a public adjuster can provide several benefits for policyholders. Here are some of the benefits of working with a public adjuster:

Expertise in Insurance Policies and Procedures

Public adjusters have extensive knowledge of insurance policies and procedures, and they can help policyholders navigate the complex claims process. They can help policyholders understand their coverage, the claims process, and the steps they need to take to ensure that they receive fair compensation for their losses.

Knowledge of the Claims Process

Public adjusters have the experience and knowledge to handle insurance claims from start to finish. They can help policyholders with every aspect of the claims process, including documentation, filing the claim, negotiating with the insurance company, and settling the claim. They can also help policyholders understand their rights and obligations under their insurance policy.

Ability to Negotiate with Insurance Companies

Public adjusters have experience negotiating with insurance companies, and they know how to ensure that their clients receive the best possible settlement for their losses. They can help policyholders understand their options and negotiate with the insurance company to get the maximum amount of compensation possible.

Property Restoration and Insurance Recovery

Public adjusters can also help policyholders with property restoration and insurance recovery. They can recommend contractors and service providers to restore the property to its pre-loss condition, and they can help policyholders recover any additional expenses they incurred as a result of the damage.

How to Choose the Right Public Adjuster

Choosing the right public adjuster is crucial to ensuring that you receive fair compensation for your damages. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a public adjuster:

Experience and Qualifications

When choosing a public adjuster, it's essential to look for someone with experience and qualifications. Look for a public adjuster who has a proven track record of success and is licensed in your state.

Local Knowledge and Expertise

Public adjusters with local knowledge and expertise can be especially helpful in dealing with property damage claims in Chatham County. They understand the local regulations, weather patterns, and other factors that can impact property damage claims.

Reputation and References

Before hiring a public adjuster, it's essential to check their reputation and references. Look for public adjusters who have positive reviews from previous clients and are willing to provide references.

Cost and Fees

Finally, consider the cost and fees associated with hiring a public adjuster. Some public adjusters work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you receive a settlement. Others charge hourly or flat fees.

The Claims Process with a Public Adjuster

The claims process with a public adjuster typically involves several steps:

Initial Consultation and Assessment

The public adjuster will conduct an initial consultation and assessment to determine the extent of the property damage and the potential costs associated with repairs or replacement.

Documentation of Damages and Losses

The public adjuster will document the damages and losses associated with the property damage. This may include taking photographs, videos, and other documentation of the damage.

Preparation and Submission of Claim

The public adjuster will prepare and submit the insurance claim to the insurance company. This will include all necessary documentation and supporting evidence.

Negotiation with Insurance Company

The public adjuster will negotiate with the insurance company on behalf of the policyholder to ensure that they receive fair compensation for their losses. This may involve additional documentation, meetings, and negotiations with the insurance company.

Settlement and Payment

Finally, the public adjuster will help the policyholder receive the settlement payment from the insurance company. This may involve coordinating with contractors and service providers to restore the property to its pre-loss condition.

Frequently Asked Questions about Public Adjusters

Here are some frequently asked questions about public adjusters:

How much do public adjusters charge?

Public adjusters may charge a percentage of the settlement amount or a flat fee. The fee may vary depending on the complexity of the claim and other factors.

How long does the claims process take?

The length of the claims process can vary depending on the complexity of the claim and the insurance company involved. Public adjusters can help expedite the claims process and ensure that policyholders receive fair compensation as quickly as possible.

Can public adjusters help with denied claims?

Yes, public adjusters can assist policyholders with denied claims. They can review the denial and help policyholders appeal the decision and receive the compensation they deserve.

Do I need a lawyer for my insurance claim?

While a lawyer is not always necessary for insurance claims, public adjusters can provide valuable support and guidance throughout the claims process. They can also recommend legal representation if necessary.


Dealing with property damage can be stressful and overwhelming. Hiring a public adjuster can help alleviate some of the burden and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your losses. With their expertise and knowledge of the insurance claims process, public adjusters can help you navigate the complex world of insurance and get the settlement you deserve. Contact a licensed public adjuster in Chatham County today to get started on your insurance claim.


lunes, 3 de abril de 2023 |




"La energía más barata y limpia es la que no se consume"

El estándar Passivhaus es el estándar más exigente de eficiencia energética en el mundo. Está enfocado en reducir en un (80%) el consumo de energía de las edificaciones manteniendo altos niveles de confort en su interior.
El estándar Passivhaus cuenta con 5 principios esenciales. Estos 5 principios trabajan conjuntamente para garantizar el rendimiento final de la edificación. Para que el rendimiento sea el estimado, los principios de Passivhaus han de ser verificados tanto durante el diseño como, fundamentalmente, durante el proceso constructivo.

  • Excelente aislamiento térmico

  • Ausencia de puentes térmicos

  • Carpintería de altas prestaciones

  • Estanqueidad del aire
  • Ventilación mecánica con recuperador de calor (VMC)






Los beneficios de la construcción con el sistema Steel Frame son varios: 

  • Se industrializa la construcción y fabricación de espacios arquitectónicos, viviendas, edificaciones y locales industriales, garantizando un mayor y mejor control de calidad con precisión milimétrica en taller, controlado por sistemas computarizados CNC.
  • Se abaratan los costes de fabricación de losas y cimentaciones, al ser un sistema mucho más ligero que los pesados muros de hormigón de la construcción tradicional.
  • Además permite realizar ampliaciones y remodelaciones en edificios que serian imposibles de realizar con la construcción tradicional.
  • Se facilita la canalización de las preinstalaciones de agua y electricidad, por el interior de los muros premecanizados conforme al proyecto.
  • Permite el preensamblado en fábrica de muros, tabiques, forjados y cubierta lo que disminuye el tiempo de montaje en obra considerablemente en relación con la construcción tradicional.
  • Se garantiza una mayor eficiencia energética en la edificación, consiguiendo un mayor aislamiento termoacústico en muros, tabiques y forjados, 15 veces superior a la construcción tradicional.
  • Mayor flexibilidad en la ejecución de proyectos, sin limites en cuanto a formas y espacios arquitectónicos.
  • Permite mayor flexibilidad en las terminaciones y acabados de la edificación, utilizando diferentes tipos de cerramientos como fachadas ventiladas, placas cementicias y morteros monocapas.
  • La industrialización de la construcción con el sistema Steel framing, a diferencia de la construcción prefabricada, permite la legalización de cada proyecto conforme a la normativa vigente del CTE (Código Técnico de la Edificación)

Podemos resumir las ventajas de Steel Framing respecto a la obra tradicional afirmando que: mediante el Steel Framing se abaratan los costos en transportes, la mano de obra, los materiales y con ello, se reducen los gastos generales de la obra. 

También se acortan los tiempos de ejecución, pues gran parte del proceso constructivo, como el ensamblado de paneles y otros elementos estructurales, se realiza en fábrica de forma simultánea para cada proyecto. 

Además es un sistema respetuoso con el medio ambiente, además de sostenible, en el que apenas se usan agua y áridos, porque se construye en seco, y genera muy pocos desperdicios no reciclables. 




De la mano del estudio de arquitectura TRAZA2 creadores y propietarios intelectuales de la solución MODULUS, les damos las gracias por su brillante solución.

Partiendo del diseño de diferentes MODULUS que pueden unirse tanto en horizontal como en vertical, ir diseñando la casa a gusto de nuestro cliente y fabricarla en un tiempo mínimo.
El primer paso, es que nuestros arquitectos diseñen la casa a gusto del cliente utilizando estos MODULUS y realizar el proyecto básico para pedir licencia en el ayuntamiento, en el tiempo que el ayuntamiento nos responde al proyecto básico, los arquitectos van desarrollando el proyecto de ejecución y en el momento que el ayuntamiento nos conceda la licencia, empezamos a contar el tiempo. 
Nuestra empresa, realizará los movimientos de tierra y adecuación de la parcela, realizará el vallado de todo el contorno de la parcela y la parte frontal de la misma, y por último, realizará la cimentación. Mientras esto se está realizando en su parcela, la fábrica estará construyendo los diferentes MODULUS y en el momento que la cimentación haya fraguado entonces se realizará el montaje de la casa que vendrá terminada de fábrica en un 75%, el otro 25% son las terminaciones que solo se pueden realizar en la parcela cuando la casa esté instalada. 
La solución propuesta permite al cliente tomar la decisión que más se ajusta a las necesidades actuales y sobre todo que su situación financiera le permita. No tiene que comprar una casa que actualmente no va a usar, que no puede pagar e hipotecarse por algo que ahora no necesita. En un futuro, si sus necesidades cambian y su situación económica es diferente, podrá crecer y elegir otro MODULUS que se ajuste y que de solución a su nueva situación.






Para todo lo expuesto, nos ponemos a su disposición para cualquier consulta que estime oportuna, si lo desea puede llamarme al teléfono / whatsapp +34 639 12 46 67. 

Un saludo y quedo a la espera de sus noticias.

Jorge Martínez Saura
Coordinación y dirección comercial

Doctor ingeniero


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